They call it the “coldsmoke.”

For some it describes the crystalline cloud of snow that bathes skiers and snowboarders in its glorious chill when carving down a deep alpine run. That pretty much sums up the spirit of Whitewater Ski Resort, BC’s annual Kootenay Coldsmoke Powder Fest, a mid-winter celebration of all things powder-snow related.

Featuring both daytime and evening events geared to those drawn to backcountry touring, the intricacies of moving safely in avalanche-prone conditions are fully explored in clinics blending both serious and playful approaches.

On the roster for February 22 – 24: expect top athletes including Eric Pehota, Greg Hill and Alison Gannet to showcase their skill, and provide words of wisdom, during the three-day gathering.

Off-slope, Whitewater is renowned as much for its social ambience as for its deep snowpack, and fueling a coldsmoke workout with award-winning menus is the festival’s mission.

Bear in mind: tickets to the Saturday evening banquet held in the lodge’s Fresh Tracks Café are coveted and should be purchased well in advance.