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Bon Appétit: A Skier’s Guide To Dining Out In Québec
As a lifelong skier, I've been conditioned to salivate at the sound of certain words. Like Pavlov’s mutt, I start drooling the moment someone even whispers, “powder day,” “first chair,” or, “first tracks.” Living here in Quebec, there are two other words that never fail to whet my whistle: “bon appétit”.
CLAIRE’S TIPS Part 2: Get ski ready – Warm-up (on snow)
At the base of the mountain surrounded by every conceivable level of skier going through their own versions of a pre-ski warm-up, it's obvious that wakening one's body before tackling the race course, double blacks, or even the bunny slope is integral to any kind of ski day.
Family Ski Trip Tips
Planning your family's first overnight ski vacation? Here are some helpful tips to help ensure you have a relaxing, memorable, successful - and let’s not forget FUN - family ski vacation.
Raclette: Cheese of the (Mountain) Gods
Cheese has been a mouth-watering staple of our traditional mountain diets for centuries, enriching our alpine sandwiches, filling our charcuterie boards, and gluing together the toppings on those late-night pizza slices.
Claire’s Tips, Part 1: Get ski ready – Indoor warm-up
A jog in the crisp darkness three minutes after rolling out of bed is a snappy way to wake up before doing your morning stretches. However, you could also choose to stay in your jammies and loosen up with five of my favourite movements while the coffee is brewing.
Small Town Olympic Ski Dreams: The Kreiners
What does it mean to live, work, and raise your family on the slopes of a small family ski resort in Northern Ontario? What are the joys? The sacrifices? The consequences of committing your work and family life to the sport of skiing? In this series, Lori Knowles interviews generations of families living “the dream”. This week she talks with Laurie Kreiner, whose family ran Timmins Ski Club… and made it all the way to the Olympics.
Mark Abma’s “The Scenic Route” – From The Depths of the Earth
Chris Rubens and Dana Flahr join Mark Abma for a trip deep in the Kootenay wilds, where they immerse themselves in the life cycle of water. From the Earth’s renewing geothermal pools, to the fluffy pillows that weight the ancient rain forest, they imbibe in the core element of skiing.
Tips Up – Never Waste a Turn
Whether you're on a green slope or a black diamond, or on your first run of the day or your last - Edith Rozsa shows us how to find the centre of your skis to create better turns.
Northern BC Heliskiing at its Finest: Watch Above and Beyond
Last Frontier Heliskiing recently released a new promo reel highlighting massive Northern BC snowfalls, small groups of 4 and unrivaled terrain. If this video doesn’t get your blood flowing, you might need to see a doctor.
Shredding before the shred: 5 best exercises for ski fitness
Whether you’re hitting cruisy groomer runs or extreme backcountry adventures, skiing and snowboarding demand considerable fitness, strength and stability from your legs and core. Here are 5 of the best exercises to keep you in tip top slope shape.