Kids and the Cold:
The Health Benefits of Winter Weather Play

When temperatures dip, it can be tempting for families to stay inside. As a parent, you might even feel like you’re protecting your child from potential risks like frostbite by keeping them indoors.

But, experts agree that the benefits of outdoor play in the winter far outweigh the risks.

Just like you ensure your child has a hat, sunscreen, and a bottle of water in the summer, winter play essentials like mittens, hats, and dry boots will ensure a happy, healthy experience.

The Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that children aged 5 to 17 get at least 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity activity daily.

Winter outdoor play is good for kids, promoting physical fitness, mental health, and emotional well-being.

Here’s how getting outside in the winter helps to keep kids happy and healthy:

In any season, outdoor activities improve strength, self-confidence, and social skills.

Fresh air and sunlight help kids have a healthier winter. Playing outdoors provides exposure to Vitamin D from sunlight, supporting immune health, and reducing exposure to indoor germs and bacteria.

Winter play encourages creativity and problem-solving. Snow offers endless opportunities for imaginative play, from building forts to making snow angels, and fosters cognitive development.

Outdoor environments reduce screen time and lower kids’ stress levels. Just like adults, kids need a break from schoolwork and other routines. Getting outside for fresh air and movement lets them reset and refresh.

When it’s time to head back inside, a hot chocolate or healthy snack is a great way to celebrate the wonders of winter play.

So let’s layer up and go play in the snow!

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